Craig Mayer, Vojtech Huser
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, National Library of Medicine, NIH, Bethesda, MD

_See the full regCOVID repository with detailed results at

FIles Type specific metric Description
regCovid_all_studies-a.csv All List of all studies from search method A
regCovid_all_studies-b.csv All List of all studies from search method B
regCovid_all_studies-c.csv All List of all studies from search method C
regCovid_arm_cnts_int.csv All Study counts by number of arms in the study for interventional trials
regCovid_change_type_cnt.csv All Number of studies that did a specific type of record update and the number of times that type of update was done for all studies
regCovid_change_type_cnt_int.csv All Number of studies that did a specific type of record update and the number of times that type of update was done for interventional trials
regCovid_change_type_cnt_obs.csv All Number of studies that did a specific type of record update and the number of times that type of update was done for observational studies
regCovid_change_type_cnt_reg.csv All Number of studies that did a specific type of record update and the number of times that type of update was done for registries
regCovid_completed_int.csv All List of completed COVID-19 interventional trials
regCovid_country_updates.csv All Number of updates per study for studies from a given country for all studies
regCovid_country_updates_int.csv All Number of updates per study for studies from a given country for interventional trials
regCovid_country_updates_obs.csv All Number of updates per study for studies from a given country for observational studies
regCovid_country_updates_reg.csv All Number of updates per study for studies from a given country for registries
regCovid_Days_since_update.csv All Count of studies by the number of dayas since the last record update for all studies
regCovid_Days_since_update_int.csv All Count of studies by the number of dayas since the last record update for interventional trials
regCovid_Days_since_update_obs.csv All Count of studies by the number of dayas since the last record update for observational studies
regCovid_Days_since_update_reg.csv All Count of studies by the number of dayas since the last record update for registries
regCovid_enroll_int.csv All Summary statistics for enrollment by phase for interventional trials
regCovid_enroll_obs.csv All Summary statistics for enrollment for observational studies
regCovid_enroll_reg.csv All Summary statistics for enrollment for registries
regCovid_facil_country_cnts.csv All Count of studiesb by country with a facility for all studies
regCovid_facil_country_cnts_int.csv All Count of studiesb by country with a facility for interventional trials
regCovid_facil_country_cnts_obs.csv All Count of studiesb by country with a facility for observational studies
regCovid_facil_country_cnts_reg.csv All Count of studiesb by country with a facility for registries
regCovid_follow-up_reg.csv Registry Number of Studies by ime to follow-up
regCovid_int_a.csv All List of COVID-19 interventional trials
regCovid_intervention-type_cnts.csv All Count of studies by intervention type or combination of intervention types for all studies
regCovid_intervention-type_cnts_int.csv All Count of studies by intervention type or combination of intervention types for interventional trials
regCovid_intervention-type_cnts_obs.csv All Count of studies by intervention type or combination of intervention types for observational studies
regCovid_intervention-type_cnts_reg.csv All Count of studies by intervention type or combination of intervention types for registries
regCovid_intervention_group_types.csv Interventional Count of each arm ttype in the set of studies and the number of studies with each arm type
regCovid_interventionl_model.csv Interventional Number of studies by intervention model used
regCovid_interventions_mapped_cnts-a.csv All Count of studies by semantically mapped intervention for all studies
regCovid_interventions_mapped_cnts_int-a.csv All Count of studies by semantically mapped intervention for interventional trials
regCovid_interventions_mapped_cnts_obs-a.csv All Count of studies by semantically mapped intervention for observational studies
regCovid_interventions_mapped_cnts_reg-a.csv All Count of studies by semantically mapped intervention for registries
regCovid_interventions_raw_cnts-a.csv All Count of studies by free-text intervention for all studies
regCovid_interventions_raw_cnts_int-a.csv All Count of studies by free-text intervention for interventional trials
regCovid_interventions_raw_cnts_obs-a.csv All Count of studies by free-text intervention for observational studies
regCovid_interventions_raw_cnts_reg-a.csv All Count of studies by free-text intervention for registries
regCovid_interventions_time-a.png All Plot of total studies over time for most common interventions for all studies
regCovid_interventions_time_int-a.png All Plot of total studies over time for most common interventions for interventional trials
regCovid_interventions_time_obs-a.png All Plot of total studies over time for most common interventions for observational studies
regCovid_interventions_time_reg-a.png All Plot of total studies over time for most common interventions for registries
regCovid_new_interventions_time-a.png All Plot of new weekly studies for most common interventions for all studies
regCovid_new_interventions_time_int-a.png All Plot of new weekly studies for most common interventions for interventional trials
regCovid_new_interventions_time_obs-a.png All Plot of new weekly studies for most common interventions for observational studies
regCovid_new_interventions_time_reg-a.png All Plot of new weekly studies for most common interventions for registries
regCovid_obs_a.csv All List of COVID-19 observational studies
regCovid_observational_model.csv Observational/Registry Count of studies by observational model used for observational studies
regCovid_observational_time_perspective.csv Observational/Registry Count of observational studies with a given time perspective
regCovid_phase.csv Interventional Count of studies by phase
regCovid_primary_purpose.csv Interventional Count of studies by primary purpose
regCovid_registry_a.csv All List of registry-based studies
regCovid_registry_model.csv Observational/Registry Count of registries by observational model used
regCovid_registry_timeperspective.csv Observational/Registry Count of registries by the time perspective of the registry
regCovid_site_cnts.csv All Count of studies by number of sites for all studies
regCovid_site_cnts_int.csv All Count of studies by number of sites for interventional trials
regCovid_site_cnts_obs.csv All Count of studies by number of sites for observational studies
regCovid_site_cnts_reg.csv All Count of studies by number of sites for registries
regCovid_status_cnt.csv All Count of COVID-19 studies by current status
regCovid_study_cnts.csv All Count of COVID-19 studies by study type
regCovid_total_studies_time-a.png All Plot of COVID-19 studies over time by study type
regCovid_update_counts.csv All Count of studies by number of record updates for all studies
regCovid_update_counts_int.csv All Count of studies by number of record updates for interventional trials
regCovid_update_counts_obs.csv All Count of studies by number of record updates for observational studies
regCovid_update_counts_reg.csv All Count of studies by number of record updates for registries
regCovid_vaccines.csv All List of COVID-19 vaccine trials
regCovid_vaccines_arms.csv All Count of vaccine trials by number of arms in the trial
regCovid_vaccines_change_type.csv All Number of studies that did a specific type of record update and the number of times that type of update was done
regCovid_vaccines_country.csv All Number of studies by countries involved
regCovid_vaccines_enroll.csv All Summary statistics for enrollment
regCovid_vaccines_group_types.csv All Count of each arm ttype in the set of vaccine trials and the number of trials with each arm type
regCovid_vaccines_model.csv All Number of vaccine trials using a given intervention model
regCovid_vaccines_phase.csv All Count of vaccine trials by phase
regCovid_vaccines_site_cnts.csv All Count of studies by number of sites
regCovid_vaccines_update.csv All Count of vaccine trials by number of times the record has been updated